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Vector autoregression (VAR) models are widely used models for multivariate time series analysis, but often suffer from their dense parameterization. Bayesian methods are commonly employed as a remedy by imposing shrinkage on the model coefficients via informative priors, thereby reducing parameter uncertainty. The subjective choice of the informativeness of these priors is often criticized and can be alleviated via hierarchical modeling. This paper introduces BVAR, an R package dedicated to the estimation of Bayesian VAR models in a hierarchical fashion. It incorporates functionalities that permit addressing a wide range of research problems while retaining an easy-to-use and transparent interface. It features the most commonly used priors in the context of multivariate time series analysis as well as an extensive set of standard methods for analysis. Further functionalities include a framework for defining custom dummy-observation priors, the computation of impulse response functions, forecast error variance decompositions and forecasts.

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BVAR: Bayesian Vector Autoregressions with

Hierarchical Prior Selection in R

Nikolas Kuschnig

WU Vienna University

of Economics and Business

Lukas Vashold

WU Vienna University

of Economics and Business


Vector autoregression (VAR) models are widely used for multivariate time series anal-

ysis in macroeconomics, finance, and related fields. Bayesian methods are employed to

deal with their dense parameterization, imposing structure on model coefficients via prior

information. The optimal choice of the degree of informativeness implied by these priors

is subject of much debate and can be approached via hierarchical modeling. This pa-

per introduces BVAR, an Rpackage dedicated to the estimation of Bayesian VAR models

with hierarchical prior selection. It implements functionalities and options that permit ad-

dressing a wide range of research problems, while retaining an easy-to-use and transparent

interface. Features include structural analysis of impulse responses, forecasts, the most

commonly used conjugate priors, as well as a framework for defining custom dummy-

observation priors. BVAR makes Bayesian VAR models user-friendly and provides an

accessible reference implementation.

Keywords: vector autoregression (VAR), multivariate, time series, macroeconomics, economet-

rics, structural analysis, hierarchical model, forecast, impulse respose function, identification,

Minnesota prior, FRED-MD, dataset, Rpackage, free software, Bayesian inference.

1. Introduction

Vector autoregression (VAR) models, popularized by Sims (1980 ), have become a staple of

empirical macroeconomic research (Kilian and Lütkepohl 2017). They are widely used for

multivariate time series analysis and have been applied to evaluate DSGE models (Del Negro,

Schorfheide, Smets, and Wouters 2007), investigate the effects of monetary policy (Bernanke,

Boivin, and Eliasz 2005; Sims and Zha 2006 ), and conduct forecasting exercises (Litterman

1986; Koop 2013 ). The large number of parameters and limited temporal availability of

macroeconomic datasets often lead to over-parameterization problems (Koop and Korobilis

2010) that can be mitigated by introducing prior information within a Bayesian approach.

Informative priors are used to impose additional structure on the model and shrink it towards

proven benchmarks. The result are models with reduced parameter uncertainty and signif-

icantly enhanced out-of-sample forecasting performance (Koop 2013). However, the specific

choice and parameterization of these shrinkage priors pose a challenge that remains the ful-

crum of discussion and critique. A number of heuristics for prior selection have been proposed

in the literature. Giannone, Lenza, and Primiceri (2015 ) tackle this problem by setting prior

informativeness in a data-based fashion, in the spirit of hierarchical modeling. Their flexible

2BVAR: Hierarchical Bayesian VARs in R

approach alleviates the subjectivity of setting prior parameters and explicitly acknowledges

uncertainty surrounding these choices. The conjugate setup allows for efficient estimation

and has been shown to perform remarkably well in common analyses (see Miranda-Agrippino

and Rey 2015;Baumeister and Kilian 2016).

Amidst the rise of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, Bayesian statistical software

has evolved rapidly. Established software provides flexible and extensible tools for Bayesian

inference, which are available cross-platform. This includes BUGS (Lunn, Thomas, Best,

and Spiegelhalter 2000; Lunn, Spiegelhalter, Thomas, and Best 2009 ) and JAGS (Plummer

2003), which build on the Gibbs sampler, Stan ( Carpenter, Gelman, Hoffman, Lee, Goodrich,

Betancourt, Brubaker, Guo, Li, and Riddell 2017), which builds on the Hamiltonian Monte

Carlo algorithm, as well as R-INLA (Lindgren and Rue 2015), for approximate inference.

Domain-specific inference is facilitated by specialized packages, such as MCMCglmm (Had-

field 2010) and brms (Bürkner 2018) for the R language ( RCore Team 2020). In the domain of

multivariate time series analysis, the R package vars ( Pfaff 2008) represents a cornerstone. It

offers a comprehensive set of frequentist VAR-related functionalities, including the calculation

and visualization of forecasts, impulse responses, and forecast error variance decompositions.

Other related packages include MTS (Tsay and Wood 2018), BigVAR (Nicholson, Matteson,

and Bien 2019), and tsDyn ( Di Narzo, Aznarte, Stigler, and Tsung-Wu 2020), for a powerful

and mature assortment of software.

Currently there exists no equivalent to vars, as an all-purpose tool for Bayesian VAR models

in R . Applied work is often performed via ad hoc scripts, compromising reproducibility. Some

Rpackages provide specialized implementations of Bayesian VAR models, but lack flexibility

and accessibility. The bvarsv package (Krueger 2015) implements estimation of a model with

time-varying parameters and stochastic volatility by Primiceri (2005 ). mfbvar, by Ankar-

gren and Yang (2019), implements estimation of mixed-frequency VAR models and provides

forecasting routines. Several common prior distributions as well as stochastic volatility meth-

ods are available, but functions for structural analysis and inference are lacking. Another

approach is taken by the bvartools package (Mohr 2019), which provides functions to assist

with Bayesian inference in VAR models, but does not include routines for estimation. De-

spite the popularity of Bayesian VAR models, there is a considerable gap between specialized

Bayesian and accessible, all-purpose implementations.

In this paper, we present BVAR (Kuschnig and Vashold 2020), a comprehensive and user-

friendly R package for the estimation and analysis of Bayesian VAR models. It implements

a hierarchical modeling approach to prior selection in the fashion of Giannone et al. (2015).

Functionalities to facilitate most common analyses are provided. Standard methods and

interfaces to existing frameworks ensure accessibility and extensibility. BVAR is free software,

licensed under the GNU General Public License 3, openly available and developed online.1

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2describes the econometric

framework used in the package. Section 3provides an overview of BVAR and its functionali-

ties, with their usage demonstrated by means of an example in Section 4. Section 5concludes.

1See the Comprehensive RArchive Network (CRAN, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=BVAR) and

GitHub (https://github.com/nk027/bvar).

Nikolas Kuschnig, Lukas Vashold 3

2. Econometric framework

BVAR takes a Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach to VAR models. This section intro-

duces the model, prior specification, and the hierarchical prior selection procedure proposed

by Giannone et al. (2015 ). For further information on VAR models, the Bayesian approach to

them, as well as Bayesian estimation, and inference in general we refer the interested reader to

Kilian and Lütkepohl (2017), Koop and Korobilis (2010 ), and Gelman, Carlin, Stern, Dunson,

Vehtari, and Rubin (2013) respectively.

2.1. Model specification

VAR models are a generalization of univariate autoregressive (AR) models, based on the

notion of interdependencies between lagged values of all variables in a given model. They are

commonly resorted to as tools for investigating dynamic effects of shocks and perform well

in forecasting exercises. A VAR model of finite order p , referred to as VAR(p ) model, can be

expressed as:

yt = a0 +A1 yt1 +· · · + Ap ytp + t ,with t N (0, Σ ), (1)

where yt is an M×1 vector of endogenous variables, a0 is an M×1 intercept vector, A j

(j= 1 , . . . , p ) are M× M coefficient matrices, and t is an M×1 vector of Gaussian exogenous

shocks with zero mean and variance-covariance (VCOV) matrix Σ. The number of coefficients

to be estimated is M+ M2 p , rising quadratically with the number of included variables and

linearly in the lag order. Such a dense parameterization often leads to inaccuracies with

regard to out-of-sample forecasting and structural inference, especially for higher-dimensional

models. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as the curse of dimensionality.

The Bayesian approach to estimation of VAR models tackles this limitation by imposing

additional structure on the model. Informative conjugate priors have been shown to be

effective in mitigating the curse of dimensionality and allow for large models to be estimated

(see Bańbura, Giannone, and Reichlin 2010 ; Doan, Litterman, and Sims 1984 ). They push

the model parameters towards a parsimonious benchmark, reducing estimation error and

improving out-of-sample prediction accuracy (see Koop 2013). This type of shrinkage is

related to frequentist regularization approaches (Hoerl and Kennard 1970 ; Tibshirani 1996),

which is discussed in detail by De Mol, Giannone, and Reichlin (2008 ), among others. The

flexibility of the Bayesian framework allows for the accommodation of a wide range of economic

issues, naturally involves prior information, and can account for layers of uncertainty through

hierarchical modeling (Gelman et al. 2013).

2.2. Prior selection and specification

Properly informing prior beliefs is critical and hence the subject of much research. In the

multivariate context, flat priors, which attempt not to impose a certain belief, yield inad-

missible estimators (Stein 1956) and poor inference (Sims 1980 ; Bańbura et al. 2010 ). Other

uninformative or informative priors are necessary. Early contributions (Litterman 1980 ) set

the priors and their parameters in a way that maximizes out-of-sample forecasting perfor-

mance over a pre-sample. Del Negro and Schorfheide (2004) choose values that maximize

the marginal data density. Bańbura et al. (2010) use the in-sample fit as decision criterion

and control for overfitting. Economic theory is a preferred source of prior information, but

4BVAR: Hierarchical Bayesian VARs in R

is lacking in many settings – in particular for high-dimensional models. Acknowledging this,

Villani (2009) reformulates the model and places priors on the steady state, which is better

understood theoretically by economists.

Giannone et al. (2015) propose setting prior parameters in a data-based fashion, i.e., by treat-

ing them as additional parameters to be estimated. In their hierarchical approach, prior pa-

rameters are assigned their own hyperpriors with hyperparameters. Uncertainty surrounding

the choice of prior parameters is acknowledged explicitly. This can be expressed by invoking

Bayes' law as:

p(γ |y ) p(y| θ ,γ) p(θ |γ ) p(γ) ,(2)

p(y| γ ) = Z p(y |θ ,γ) p(θ| γ ) dθ , (3)

where y = (yp+1 ,...,yT )> , the autoregressive and variance parameters of the VAR model

are denoted by θ, and the set of hyperparameters with γ. The first part of Equation 2is

marginalized with respect to the parameters θin Equation 3. This yields a density of the data

as a function of the hyperparameters p (y |γ ), also called marginal likelihood (ML). This quan-

tity is marginal with respect to the parameters θ, but conditional on the hyperparameters γ.

The ML can be used as a decision criterion for the hyperparameter choice; maximization con-

stitutes an empirical Bayes method, with a clear frequentist interpretation (Giannone et al.

2015). In the Bayesian hierarchical approach, the ML is used to explore the full posterior

hyperparameter space, acknowledging uncertainty surrounding them. This yields robust in-

ference, is theoretically grounded, and can be implemented in an efficient manner (Giannone

et al. 2015). The authors demonstrate the high accuracy of impulse response functions and

forecasts, with the model performing competitively compared to factor models. Since then,

their approach has been used extensively in applied research (see e.g., Miranda-Agrippino

and Rey 2015;Baumeister and Kilian 2016;Altavilla, Boucinha, and Peydró 2018;Nelson,

Pinter, and Theodoridis 2018;Altavilla, Pariès, and Nicoletti 2019).

The contribution of Giannone et al. (2015) focuses on conjugate prior distributions, specifically

of the Normal-inverse-Wishart (NIW) family.2 Conjugacy implies that the ML is available in

closed form, enabling efficient computation. The NIW family includes many of the most com-

monly used priors (Koop and Korobilis 2010 ; Karlsson 2013 ), with some notable exceptions.

These include the steady-state prior (Villani 2009), the Normal-Gamma prior (Griffin and

Brown 2010; Huber and Feldkircher 2019), and the Dirichlet-Laplace prior ( Bhattacharya,

Pati, Pillai, and Dunson 2015). Many recent contributions focus on accounting for het-

eroskedastic error structures (Clark 2011 ; Kastner and Frühwirth-Schnatter 2014; Carriero,

Clark, and Marcellino 2016). This may improve model performance, but is not possible within

the conjugate setup and furthermore, would complicate inference. In the chosen NIW frame-

work we approach the model in Equation 1 by letting A = [a0 , A1 ,...,Ap ]0 and β= vec(A ) .

Then the conjugate prior setup reads as:

β|Σ N ( b,Σ ) , (4)

Σ∼ IW ( Ψ,d),

where b , ,Ψ and d are functions of a lower-dimensional vector of hyperparameters γ . In

their paper, Giannone et al. (2015) consider three specific priors – the so-called Minnesota

2De Mol et al. (2008 ) note that this setting is similar to ridge penalized estimation in frequentist terms.

Nikolas Kuschnig, Lukas Vashold 5

(Litterman) prior, which is used as a baseline, the sum-of-coefficients prior and the single-

unit-root prior (also see Sims and Zha 1998).

The Minnesota prior (Litterman 1980) imposes the hypothesis that individual variables all

follow random walk processes. This parsimonious specification typically performs well in

forecasts of macroeconomic time series (Kilian and Lütkepohl 2017) and is often used as a

benchmark to evaluate accuracy. The prior is characterized by the following moments:

E[(As )ij |Σ ] = ( 1 if i= j and s = 1,


cov [(As ) ij ,(Ar ) kl |Σ] =




ψj/( d M 1) if l= j and r= s,


The key parameter λ controls the tightness of the prior, i.e., it weighs the relative importance

of prior and data. For λ0 the prior outweighs any information in the data; the posterior

approaches the prior. As λ → ∞ the posterior distribution mirrors the sample information.

Governing the variance decay with increasing lag order, αcontrols the degree of shrinkage

for more distant observations. Finally, ψj controls the prior's standard deviation on lags of

variables other than the dependent.

Refinements of the Minnesota prior are often implemented as additional priors trying to

"reduce the importance of the deterministic component implied by VAR models estimated

conditioning on the initial observations" (Giannone et al. 2015, p. 440). This component

is defined as the expectation of future observations, given initial conditions and estimated

coefficients. The sum-of-coefficients prior (Doan et al. 1984) is one example for such an

additional prior. It imposes the notion that a no-change forecast is optimal at the beginning

of a time series. The prior can be implemented by adding artificial dummy-observations on

top of the data matrix. They are constructed as follows:


M× M

=diag ¯ y

µ ,


M×(1+ Mp) = [0,y + ,...,y + ],

where ¯ yis a M×1 vector of averages over the first p – denoting the lag order – observations

of each variable. The key parameter µcontrols the variance and hence, the tightness of

the prior. For µ → ∞ the prior becomes uninformative, while for µ0 the model is

pulled towards a form with as many unit roots as variables and no cointegration. The latter

imposition motivates the single-unit-root prior (Sims 1993 ; Sims and Zha 1998), which allows

for cointegration relationships in the data. The prior pushes the variables either towards their

unconditional mean or towards the presence of at least one unit root. Its associated dummy

observations are:



=¯ y



1×(1+Mp )= 1

δ,y++ ,...,y++ ,

where ¯ yis again defined as above. Similarly to before, δis the key parameter and governs

the tightness of the prior. The sum-of-coefficients and single-unit-root dummy-observation

6BVAR: Hierarchical Bayesian VARs in R

priors are commonly used in the estimation of VAR models in levels and fit the hierarchical

approach to prior selection. Note however, that the approach is applicable to all priors from

the NIW family in Equation 4, yielding a flexible and readily extensible framework.

3. The BVAR package

BVAR implements a hierarchical approach to prior selection (Giannone et al. 2015) into R ( R

Core Team 2020) and hands the user an easy-to-use and flexible tool for Bayesian VAR models.

Its primary use cases are in the field of macroeconomic multivariate time series analysis.

BVAR is ideal for a broad range of economic analyses (in the spirit of Baumeister and Kilian

2016; Altavilla et al. 2018; Nelson et al. 2018). It may be consulted as a reference for similar

models, where the hierarchical prior selection serves as a safeguard against unreasonable

parameter choices. The accessible and user-friendly implementation make it a suitable tool for

introductions to Bayesian multivariate time series modeling and for quick, versatile analysis.

The package is available cross-platform and on minimal installations, with no dependencies

outside base R , and imports from mvtnorm (Genz, Bretz, Miwa, Mi, Leisch, Scheipl, and

Hothorn 2020). It is implemented in native Rfor transparency and in order to lower the

bar for contributions and/or adaptations. A functional approach to the package structure

facilitates optimization of computationally intensive steps, including ports to e.g., C++ , and

ensures extensibility. The complete documentation, helper functions to access the multitude

of settings, and use of established methods for analysis make the package easy to operate,

without sacrificing flexibility.

BVAR features extensive customization options with regard to the elicited priors, their pa-

rameters, and their hierarchical treatment. The Minnesota prior is used as baseline; all of its

parameters are adjustable and can be treated hierarchically. Users can easily include the sum-

of-coefficients and single-unit-root priors of Sims and Zha (1998 ) and Giannone et al. (2015).

The flexible implementation also allows users to construct custom dummy-observation priors.

Further options are devoted to the MCMC method and the Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algo-

rithm, which is used to explore the posterior hyperparameter space. The number of burned

and saved draws are adjustable; thinning may be employed to reduce memory requirements

and serial correlation. Proper exploration of the posterior is facilitated by options to manu-

ally scale individual proposals for the MH step, or to enable automatic scaling until a target

acceptance rate is achieved. The customization options can be harnessed for flexible analysis

with a number of established and specialized methods.

A major function and common application of VAR models are predictions. VAR-based fore-

casts have proven to be superior to many other methods (Bańbura et al. 2010 ; Koop 2013).

They do not rely on inducing particular restrictions on model parameters, as is the case

for structural models. BVAR can be used to conduct both classic unconditional as well as

conditional forecasts. Unconditional forecasts are implemented to mirror base Rfor straight-

forward use. They rival those obtained from factor models in accuracy (Giannone et al. 2015)

and can be used for a variety of analyses. Conditional forecasts allow for elaborate scenario

analyses, where the future path of one or more variables is assumed to be known. They are

a handy tool for analyzing possible realizations of policy-relevant variables. The algorithmic

implementation of conditional forecasts follows Waggoner and Zha (1999) and is closely linked

to structural analysis.

Nikolas Kuschnig, Lukas Vashold 7

Impulse response functions (IRF) are a central tool for structural analysis. They provide

insights into the behavior of economic systems and are another cornerstone of inference with

VAR models. IRF serve as a representation of shocks hitting the economic system and are used

to analyze the reactions of individual variables. The exact propagation of these shocks is of

great interest, but meaningful interpretation relies on proper identification. BVAR features a

framework for identification schemes, with two of the most popular schemes currently available

– namely short-term zero restrictions and sign restrictions. The former is also known as

recursive identification and is achieved via Cholesky decomposition of the VCOV matrix

Σ(see Kilian and Lütkepohl 2017, Chapter 8). This approach is computationally cheap

and achieves exact identification without the need for detailed assumptions about variable

behavior. Only the contemporaneous reactions of certain variables are limited, making the

order of variables pivotal. Sign restrictions (see Kilian and Lütkepohl 2017, Chapter 13)

are another popular means of identification that is implemented following the approach of

Rubio-Ramirez, Waggoner, and Zha (2010). This scheme requires some presumptions about

the behavior of variables following a certain shock. With increasing dimension of the model

theoretically grounding such presumptions becomes increasingly challenging. Additionally,

identification via sign restrictions comes at the cost of increased uncertainty and a loss of

precision for the resulting IRF. Another related tool for structural analysis are forecast error

variance decompositions (FEVD). They are used to investigate which variables drive the paths

of others after a given shock. FEVD can easily be computed in BVAR and allow for a more

detailed structural analysis of the processes determining the behavior of an economic system.

BVAR packages the popular FRED-MD and FRED-QD databases (McCracken and Ng 2016,

2020). They constitute two of the largest macroeconomic databases, featuring more than 200

macroeconomic indicators on a monthly and a quarterly basis, respectively. The databases

describe the US economy, starting from 1959 and are updated regularly. The databases are

distributed in BVAR under a permissive modified Open Data Commons Attribution License

(ODC-BY 1.0). Together with helper functions to aid with transformations, they allow users

to start using the package hassle-free. FRED-MD and FRED-QD lend themselves to the study

of a wide range of economic phenomena and are regularly used in benchmarking exercises for

newly developed models and methods (see inter alia Carriero, Clark, and Marcellino 2018;

Koop, Korobilis, and Pettenuzzo 2019;Huber, Koop, and Onorante 2020).

As detailed above, BVAR makes estimation of and inference in Bayesian VAR models accessi-

ble and user-friendly. Extensive customization options are available, with sensible default set-

tings allowing for a step-by-step adoption. This is further facilitated by lucid helper functions

and comprehensive documentation. Analysis of estimated VAR models is readily accessible

– functions for summarizing and plotting model parameters, forecasts, IRF, traces, densities,

and residuals are available. Use of established procedures and standard methods, including

plot(),predict(),coef(), and summary(), set a low entry barrier for Rusers. Final and

intermediate outputs are provided in an idiomatic format and feature print() methods for

quick access and a transparent research process. Existing frameworks may be used for further

analysis – an interface to coda for checking outputs, analysis, and diagnostics is provided. The

available FRED-MD and FRED-QD datasets allow hassle-free exploration of macroeconomic

research questions. These features make BVAR an ideal tool for macroeconomic analysis.

8BVAR: Hierarchical Bayesian VARs in R

4. An applied example

In this section we demonstrate the functionalities of BVAR via an applied example. We use a

subset of the included data and go through a typical workflow of (1) preparing the data, (2)

configuring priors and other aspects of the model, (3) estimating the model, and finally (4)

analyzing outputs, including IRF and forecasts. Further possible applications and examples

are available in the Appendix. We start by setting a seed for reproducibility and loading


R> set.seed(42)

R> library("BVAR")

4.1. Data preparation

The main function bvar() expects input data to be coercible to a rectangular numeric matrix

without any missing values. For this example, we use six variables from the included FRED-

QD dataset (McCracken and Ng 2020), akin to the medium VAR considered by Giannone

et al. (2015 ). The six variables are real gross domestic product (GDP), real personal con-

sumption expenditures, real gross private domestic investment (all three in billions of 2012

dollars), as well as the number of total hours worked in the non-farm business sector, the

GDP deflator index as a means to measure price inflation, and the effective federal funds rate

in percent per year. The currently covered time period ranges from Q1 1959 to Q1 2020.

We follow Giannone et al. (2015) in transforming all variables except the federal funds rate

to log-levels, in order to demonstrate aforementioned dummy priors. Transformation can be

performed manually or with the helper function fred_transform(). The function supports

transformations listed by McCracken and Ng (2016,2020), which can be accessed via their

transformation codes, and automatic transformation. See Appendix A for a demonstration

of this and related functionalities. For our example, we specify a log-transformation for the

corresponding variables with code 4and no transformation for the federal funds rate with

code 1 . Figure 1 provides an overview of the transformed time series.

R> data("fred_qd")

R> x <- fred_qd[, c("GDPC1", "PCECC96", "GPDIC1",


R> x <- fred_transform(x, codes = c(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1))

4.2. Prior setup and further configuration

After preparing the data, we are ready to specify priors and configure our model. Functions

related to estimation setup and configuration share the prefix bv_ . They are grouped in this

way to make them easily discernible and their documentations accessible, facilitating their

use. This contrasts methods and functions for analysis, which stick closely to idiomatic R.

Priors are set up using bv_priors(), which holds arguments for the Minnesota and dummy-

observation priors as well as their hierarchical treatment. We start by adjusting the Minnesota

prior using bv_minnesota(). The prior parameter λhas a Gamma hyperprior and is handed

upper and lower bounds for its Gaussian proposal distribution in the MH step. For this

Nikolas Kuschnig, Lukas Vashold 9

1960 1980 2000 2020

8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5


Gross domestic product

1960 1980 2000 2020

7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5


Consumption expenditure

1960 1980 2000 2020

6.0 7.0 8.0

1960 1980 2000 2020

4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6

1960 1980 2000 2020

3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5

1960 1980 2000 2020

0 5 10 15

Figure 1: Transformed time series under consideration.

example, we do not treat αhierarchically, meaning the parameter can be fixed via the mode

argument. The prior variance on the constant term of the model (var) is dealt a large value,

for a diffuse prior. We leave Ψ to be set automatically – i.e., to the square root of the

innovations variance, after fitting AR(p) models to each of the variables.

R> mn <- bv_minnesota(

+ lambda = bv_lambda(mode = 0.2, sd = 0.4, min = 0.0001, max = 5),

+ alpha = bv_alpha(mode = 2), var = 1e07)

We also include the sum-of-coefficients and single-unit-root priors – two pre-constructed

dummy-observation priors. The hyperpriors of their key parameters are assigned Gamma dis-

tributions, with specification working in the same way as for λ . Custom dummy-observation

priors can be set up similarly via bv_dummy() and require an additional function to construct

the observations (see Appendix Bfor a demonstration).

R> soc <- bv_soc(mode = 1, sd = 1, min = 1e-04, max = 50)

R> sur <- bv_sur(mode = 1, sd = 1, min = 1e-04, max = 50)

Once the priors are defined, we provide them to bv_priors(). The dummy-observation priors

are captured by the ellipsis argument (...) and need to be named. Via hyper we choose

which prior parameters should be treated hierarchically. Its default setting ("auto") includes

λand the key parameters of all provided dummy-observation priors. In our case, this is

equivalent to providing the character vector c("lambda", "soc", "sur") . Prior parameters

that are not treated hierarchically, e.g., α, are treated as fixed and set equal to their mode.

R> priors <- bv_priors(hyper = "auto", mn = mn, soc = soc, sur = sur)

10 BVAR: Hierarchical Bayesian VARs in R

As a final step before estimation, we adjust the the MH algorithm via bv_metropolis() . The

function allows for fine-tuning the exploration of the posterior space – a vital prerequisite for

proper inference. The primary argument is scale_hess, a scalar or vector. It allows scaling

the inverse Hessian, which is used as VCOV matrix of the Gaussian proposal distribution

of the hierarchically treated hyperparameters. This affords us the flexibility of individually

tweaking the posterior exploration of hyperparameters. Scaling can be complemented by

setting adjust_acc = TRUE , which enables automatic scale adjustment. This happens during

an initial share of the burn-in period, adaptable via adjust_burn. Automatic adjustment is

performed iteratively by acc_change percent, until an acceptance rate between acc_lower

and acc_upper is reached.

R> mh <- bv_metropolis(scale_hess = c(0.05, 0.0001, 0.0001),

+ adjust_acc = TRUE, acc_lower = 0.25, acc_upper = 0.45)

After configuring the model's priors and the MH step we are ready for estimation. Further

available configuration options for the MCMC method, IRF, FEVD, and forecasts are de-

scribed in the following paragraphs. On the one hand, the available settings permit users

to tailor models and specific components to their individual needs. This enables them to

address an extensive set of research questions. On the other hand, much simpler and quicker

utilization is possible – the default settings provide a suitable point of departure for many ap-

plications and the hierarchical approach brings additional parameter flexibility. This enables

users to (1) focus on critical parts of their model and (2) use BVAR with ease, facilitating

gradual fine-tuning of models.

4.3. Estimation of the model

Models are estimated using the core function bvar(). As the bare minimum, we need to

provide our prepared data and a lag order pas arguments. Additionally, we pass on our

customization objects from above to their respective arguments. We also define the total

number of iterations with n_draw , the number of initial iterations to discard with n_burn,

and a denominator for the fraction of draws to store via n_thin . We increase the number of

total and burnt iterations, while retaining all draws. Note that arguments for computing IRF,

FEVD, and forecasts are also available and work similarly to the ex-post calculations that

are demonstrated below. When estimating the model, verbose = TRUE prompts printing of

intermediate results and enables a progress bar during the MCMC step.

R> run <- bvar(x, lags = 5, n_draw = 15000, n_burn = 5000, n_thin = 1,

+ priors = priors, mh = mh, verbose = TRUE)

Optimisation concluded.

Posterior marginalised likelihood: 3637.405

Parameters: lambda = 1.51378; soc = 0.12618; sur = 0.47674

|==================================================| 100%

Finished MCMC after 16.89 secs.

The return value is an object of class 'bvar' – a named list with several outputs. These

include the parameters of interest, i.e., posterior draws of the VAR coefficients, the VCOV

Nikolas Kuschnig, Lukas Vashold 11

matrix, and hierarchically treated hyperparameters. Other content includes the values of the

marginal likelihood for each draw, starting values of the prior hyperparameters obtained from

optim, prior settings provided, as well as ones set automatically, and the original call to the

bvar() function. A variety of meta information is included as well – e.g., the number of

accepted draws, variable names, and time spent calculating. In addition, there are slots for

the outputs of IRF, FEVD, and forecasts. They are filled automatically if calculated, or can

be appended ex-post via replacement functions. Outputs can be accessed manually or via a

multitude of functions and methods for analysis.

4.4. Analyzing outputs

BVAR provides a range of standard methods for objects of type 'bvar' and derivatives,

which facilitate cursory assessments and detailed analysis. These include print() , plot(),

and summary() methods, as well as a predict() method and an irf() generic. The print()

method provides some meta information, details on hierarchically treated prior hyperparam-

eters, and their starting values obtained from optimization via optim() . The summary()

method mimics its counterpart in vars, including information on the VAR model's log-

likelihood, coefficients, and the VCOV matrix. These are also available via the methods

logLik(), coef() and vcov(). Other established methods, such as fitted(),density()

and residuals() , are provided. They operate on all posterior draws and include clear and

concise print() methods.

For our example, we access an overview of our estimation using print(). Then we use plot()

to assess convergence of the MCMC algorithm, which is essential for its stability. By default,

the method provides trace and density plots of the ML and the hierarchically treated hy-

perparameters (see Figure 2). Burnt draws are not included and parameter boundaries are

plotted as dashed gray lines. The plot can be subset to specific hyperparameters or autore-

gressive coefficients via the vars argument (see Figure 3). The arguments var_response and

var_impulse provide a concise alternative way of retrieving autoregressive coefficients. We

can also use the type argument to choose a specific type of plot.

R> print(run)

Bayesian VAR consisting of 238 observations, 6 variables and 5 lags.

Time spent calculating: 16.89 secs

Hyperparameters: lambda, soc, sur

Hyperparameter values after optimisation: 1.51378, 0.12618, 0.47674

Iterations (burnt / thinning): 15000 (5000 / 1)

Accepted draws (rate): 3933 (0.393)

R> plot(run)

R> plot(run, type = "dens",

+ vars_response = "GDPC1", vars_impulse = "GDPC1-lag1")

Visual inspection of trace and density plots suggests convergence of the key hyperparameters.

The chain appears to be exploring the posterior rather well; no glaring outliers are recogniz-

able. However, as a supplement to this examination, one might want to employ additional

convergence diagnostics. The coda package provides, among many other useful functionalities,

12 BVAR: Hierarchical Bayesian VARs in R

Figure 2: Trace and density plots of all hierarchically treated hyperparameters and the ML.

0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3


Density of GDPC1_GDPC1−lag1

Figure 3: Density plot for the autoregressive coefficient corresponding to the first lag of GDP

in the GDP equation.

Nikolas Kuschnig, Lukas Vashold 13

several such statistics that can be accessed using BVAR's as.mcmc() method. An illustra-

tion of the interface, the use of diagnostics, and parallel execution of bvar() is provided in

Appendix C. Given proper convergence, we are interested in fitted and residual values (see

Figure 4). We set type = "mean" to use the mean of posterior draws. Alternatively, credible

bands can be computed via the conf_bands argument.

R> fitted(run, type = "mean")

Numeric array (dimensions 238, 6) with fitted values from a BVAR.

Average values:

GDPC1: 8.1, 8.1, 8.1, [...], 9.85, 9.85, 9.86

PCECC96: 7.61, 7.62, 7.61, [...], 9.48, 9.49, 9.5

GPDIC1: 5.97, 5.89, 5.85, [...], 8.15, 8.15, 8.14

HOANBS: 3.97, 3.97, 3.96, [...], 4.72, 4.72, 4.72

GDPCTPI: 2.81, 2.81, 2.82, [...], 4.72, 4.72, 4.73

FEDFUNDS: 4.05, 3.64, 2.45, [...], 2.3, 2.32, 2.3

R> plot(residuals(run, type = "mean"), vars = c("GDPC1", "PCECC96"))

0 50 100 150 200

−0.02 0.01

0 50 100 150 200

−0.020 0.000

Figure 4: Residual plots of GDP and private consumption expenditure.

Structural analysis with BVAR works in a straightforward fashion. Impulse response functions

are handled in a specific object, with the associated generic function irf(). The function

is used for computing, accessing, and storing IRF in the respective slot of a 'bvar' object

as well as updating credible bands. Forecast error variance decompositions rely on IRF and

are nested in the respective object. They can be accessed directly with the generic function

fevd(). Configuration options for IRF and FEVD are available via the ellipsis argument of

irf(), or the helper function bv_irf(). They include the horizon to be considered, whether

or not FEVD should be computed, and further settings regarding identification. By default,

the shocks under scrutiny are identified via short-term zero restrictions. Identification can

also be achieved in other ways (see Appendix Dfor an example of imposing sign restrictions)

14 BVAR: Hierarchical Bayesian VARs in R

or skipped entirely. IRF objects feature methods for plotting, printing, and summarizing.

The plot() method has options to subset the plots to specific impulses and/or responses via

name or position of the variable. Credible bands are visualized as lines or shaded areas with

the area argument toggled. In the example below, we customize our IRF using bv_irf(),

then compute and store them with irf() . We plot the IRF of certain shocks and variables

by specifying them with vars_impulse and vars_response in Figure 5.

R> opt_irf <- bv_irf(horizon = 16, identification = TRUE)

R> irf(run) <- irf(run, opt_irf, conf_bands = c(0.05, 0.16))

R> plot(irf(run), area = TRUE,

+ vars_impulse = c("GDPC1", "FEDFUNDS"), vars_response = c(1:2, 6))



Shock GDPC1 on PCECC96





Figure 5: Impulse responses of GDP, private consumption expenditure and the federal funds

rate to an aggregate demand shock (left panels) and a monetary policy shock (right panels).

Shaded areas refer to the 90% and the 68% credible sets.

Forecasting with BVAR is facilitated by the predict() method and a specific object for fore-

casts. The method works similarly to irf(), with functionality to compute, access, and store

outputs in the respective slot of a 'bvar' object and to update credible bands. Settings can

also be accessed via the ellipsis argument or the helper function bv_fcast(). For uncondi-

tional forecasts only the forecasting horizon is required. In order to conduct scenario analyses

based on conditional forecasts, further settings have to be passed on (see Appendix Efor a

demonstration). Forecast objects feature methods for plotting, printing, and summarizing.

The vars argument of the plot() method can be used to subset plots to certain variables.

Nikolas Kuschnig, Lukas Vashold 15

The visualization can include a number of realized values before the forecast, which is set

with the argument t_back (see Figure 6).

R> predict(run) <- predict(run, horizon = 16, conf_bands = c(0.05, 0.16))

R> plot(predict(run), area = TRUE, t_back = 32,

+ vars = c("GDPC1", "GDPCTPI", "FEDFUNDS"))

−30 −20 −10 0 10

9.70 9.85 10.00

−30 −20 −10 0 10

4.60 4.70 4.80

Figure 6: Unconditional forecasts for GDP, the GDP deflator and the federal funds rate.

Shaded areas refer to the 90% and the 68% credible sets.

This concludes the demonstration of setup, estimation, and analysis with BVAR. A compre-

hensive description of the package and available functionalities is provided in the package

documentation. Some more advanced and specific features, including identification via sign

restrictions, conditional forecasts, and the interface to coda , are demonstrated in the Ap-


16 BVAR: Hierarchical Bayesian VARs in R

5. Conclusion

This article introduced BVAR, an Rpackage that implements Bayesian vector autoregressions

with hierarchical prior selection. It offers a flexible, but structured and transparent tool for

multivariate time series analysis and can be used to assess a wide range of research questions.

By means of an applied example, we illustrated the usage of the package and explained

its implementation and configuration. The hierarchical prior selection mitigates subjective

choices, improving flexibility and counteracting a common criticism of Bayesian methods.

Accessible helper functions for customization as well as comprehensive methods and generic

functions for analysis top off an extensive set of features. The functional style and idiomatic

implementation in R make the package easy to use, extensible, and transparent.

BVAR bridges a gap as an accessible all-purpose tool for Bayesian VAR models, but leaves

plenty of potential for extensions and novel libraries. One evident extension is the imple-

mentation of additional structural identification schemes, such as sign and zero restrictions

(Arias, Rubio-Ramírez, and Waggoner 2018). The interface to coda demonstrates the poten-

tial of such extensions – interfaces to further packages facilitating analysis and visualization,

e.g., tidybayes (Kay 2020), would be useful. A major area for future work is support for a

broader spectrum of prior families. This would help enrich analysis and could incorporate

e.g., heteroskedastic error structures in various forms. A powerful library implementing these

features would be a valuable asset and complement BVAR and similar R packages.

Computational details

The results in this paper were obtained using R 4.0.0 with BVAR 1.0.0, mvtnorm 1.1-0, and

coda 0.19-3. The machine used to generate the results is running Windows 10 with an i5-4670k

and 16 GB RAM. The scripts were also tested on a machines running Debian Sid 11 with an

i7-7500U and 16 GB RAM. and a machine running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with a Ryzen-3500U

and 16 GB RAM. Rand all packages used are available from the Comprehensive R Archive

Network (CRAN) at https://CRAN.R-project.org/.


We would like to thank Victor Maus and Florian Huber for helpful comments and encourage-

ment, the staff at the St. Louis Federal Reserve for their work on FRED-QD and FRED-MD,

and the JSS editorial team for improvement suggestions. Our thanks also go out to Gre-

gor Kastner, Casper Engelen, Daran Demirol, Maximilian Böck, Michael Pfarrhofer, Niko

Hauzenberger, Sebastian Luckeneder, and two anonymous referees.

Nikolas Kuschnig, Lukas Vashold 17


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22 BVAR: Hierarchical Bayesian VARs in R

A. Data transformation and stationarity

Econometric analysis often relies on data coming in a specific format, frequently requiring

transformation. The helper function fred_transform() facilitates this work step. It can be

used to apply common transformations, subset data to a rectangular format without missing

values, and automatically transform the included FRED-QD and FRED-MD datasets. Both

datasets are packaged in their raw format, but McCracken and Ng (2016,2020) provide

suggested transformations in their online appendices.3These transformations can also be

looked up manually with fred_code().

Below, we demonstrate this using a prototypical monetary VAR model – covering GDP, the

GDP deflator and the federal funds rate. For this example, we are looking to transform the

individual time series to be stationary. To automatically apply the suggested transformation

of McCracken and Ng (2016 ) we simply specify the type – either "fred_qd" or "fred_md"

– and call fred_transform() with our data. In a second attempt, we deviate from the

suggestions and directly provide transformation codes to the codes argument. The function

displays available codes when called without arguments. For this example, we choose 5for

log-differences and 1for no transformation. We also set lag = 4 for yearly differences of our

quarterly data. Figure 7 shows the transformed time series, which will be used to illustrate

additional features below.

R> data("fred_qd")

R> y <- fred_qd[, c("GDPC1", "GDPCTPI", "FEDFUNDS")]

R> fred_transform(y, type = "fred_qd")

R> y <- fred_transform(y, codes = c(5, 5, 1), lag = 4)

1960 1980 2000 2020

−4 0 2 4 6 8

1960 1980 2000 2020

0 2 4 6 8 10

1960 1980 2000 2020

0 5 10 15

Figure 7: Transformed time series under consideration for the prototypical VAR model.

When estimating a VAR model in differences, implications on the priors need to be taken into

account. The sum-of-coefficients prior and the single-unit-root prior are no longer applicable.

For this example we only impose the Minnesota prior, which also needs to be adjusted slightly

to still carry the notion that variables follow a random walk. This is done by setting the prior

mean b=0 in bv_mn() , or its alias bv_minnesota(). The argument may also be provided

in a vector or a matrix format, in case the variables differ in their order of integration.

R> priors_app <- bv_priors(mn = bv_mn(b = 0))

3See https://research.stlouisfed.org/econ/mccracken/fred-databases/.

Nikolas Kuschnig, Lukas Vashold 23

R> run_app <- bvar(y, lags = 5, n_draw = 15000, n_burn = 5000,

+ priors = priors_app, mh = bv_mh(scale_hess = 0.5, adjust_acc = TRUE))

B. Construction of custom dummy priors

Here, we demonstrate the construction of custom dummy priors using bv_dummy(). As an

example, the sum-of-coefficients prior is reconstructed manually.

A custom prior requires a function to construct artificial observations. This function takes

three arguments – the data as a numeric matrix, an integer with the number of lags, and the

value of the prior parameter. The return value is a 'list', containing two numeric matrices,

Xand Y, with artificial observations to stack on top of the data matrix and the lagged data

matrix. For the sum-of-coefficients prior we follow the procedure outlined in Section 2.2.

R> add_soc <- function(Y, lags, par) {

+ soc <- if(lags == 1) {diag(Y[1, ]) / par} else {

+ diag(colMeans(Y[1:lags, ])) / par

+ }

+ X_soc <- cbind(rep(0, ncol(Y)), matrix(rep(soc, lags), nrow = ncol(Y)))

+ return(list("Y" = soc, "X" = X_soc))

+ }

This function is then passed to bv_dummy() via the argument fun. The remaining arguments

work in the same way as for other prior constructors (see Section 4.2). They determine the

hyperprior distribution and boundaries for the proposal distribution. Again, if not treated

hierarchically, the prior parameter is set to its mode. The output of bv_dummy() is then

passed to the ellipsis argument of bv_priors() and needs to be named. Further steps do not

differ from standard procedure – posterior draws are stored and can be analyzed in the same

way as for the Minnesota prior.

R> soc <- bv_dummy(mode = 1, sd = 1, min = 0.0001, max = 50, fun = add_soc)

R> bv_priors(soc = soc)

C. Convergence assessment and parallelization

Bayesian simulation relies heavily on the convergence of models, particularly so for hierarchical

models. As demonstrated in Section 4.4 , BVAR includes functionality to assess convergence

visually. Many more tools are available through the interface to coda, which specializes in

output assessment for Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations.

To access the interface we call the as.mcmc() method on the VAR model from Appendix A.

The method works similarly to plot(), allowing users to subset hyperparameters or VAR

coefficients with vars , vars_response , and vars_impulse . These are then converted to a

'mcmc' object, which supports thorough analysis of convergence behavior. This includes the

diagnostic statistics of Geweke (1992), which can be calculated with geweke.diag().

24 BVAR: Hierarchical Bayesian VARs in R

R> library("coda")

R> run_mcmc <- as.mcmc(run_app, vars = "lambda")

R> geweke.diag(run_mcmc)

Fraction in 1st window = 0.1

Fraction in 2nd window = 0.5



The value of the diagnostic statistic constitutes a standard z-score and indicates proper

within-chain convergence of the hyperparameter λ. Still, one may also be interested in the

behavior across chains. A suitable diagnostic to assess between-chain convergence was pro-

posed by Gelman and Rubin (1992) and is implemented in coda as gelman.diag() . The

need for multiple chains makes parallelization attractive, which is supported by the wrapper

function par_bvar() . The wrapper uses parLapply() from the parallel package (R Core

Team 2020) to run instances of bvar() on multiple threads. The output is a 'list' of

'bvar' objects that is supported by covergence-related methods. We can visualize the sep-

arate runs for different hyperparameters or the ML, which can be specified via the vars

argument, with the plot() method (see Figure 8). We can also transform it for use with

coda, by calling as.mcmc(), which now yields a 'mcmc_list' object. This object is passed on

to gelman.diag() , in order to compute a diagnostic statistics for between-chain convergence.

R> library("parallel")

R> n_cores <- 2

R> cl <- makeCluster(n_cores)

R> runs <- par_bvar(cl = cl, data = y, lags = 5,

+ n_draw = 15000, n_burn = 5000, n_thin = 1,

+ priors = priors_app, mh = bv_mh(scale_hess = 0.5, adjust_acc = TRUE))

R> stopCluster(cl)

R> runs_mcmc <- as.mcmc(runs, vars = "lambda")

R> gelman.diag(runs_mcmc, autoburnin = FALSE)

Potential scale reduction factors:

Point est. Upper C.I.

lambda 1 1

R> plot(runs, type = "full", vars = "lambda")

D. Identification via sign restrictions

Identification is required for meaningful interpretation of impulse response functions. BVAR

implements identification in a flexible manner, facilitating various schemes. Sign restrictions,

one such scheme, are readily available and demonstrated here.

Nikolas Kuschnig, Lukas Vashold 25

Figure 8: Plot of λ, the key hyperparameter of the Minnesota prior, for separate runs.

Identification via sign restrictions relies on forming expectations about response directions

following certain shocks (Rubio-Ramirez et al. 2010). These expectations are usually derived

from economic theory – a process that can become cumbersome for high-dimensional models.

Sign identification of shocks in BVAR is set up in bv_irf(), which can be accessed directly,

or over the ellipsis argument of irf() . We toggle identification = TRUE and provide a

matrix SR with sign restrictions to the sign_restr argument. SR is constructed by setting

all elements SRij equal to 1 (-1) if the contemporaneous response of variable ito a shock from

variable j is expected to be an increase (decrease). For an agnostic view, we set the element to

NA; no restrictions are imposed. Note that the shocks need to be uniquely identifiable (Kilian

and Lütkepohl 2017). After running bv_irf() , we can print the chosen sign restrictions with

its print() method. To calculate, we call irf() as usual, providing the settings to the ellipsis

argument. IRF are then calculated based on suitable shocks, which are drawn following the

algorithm by Rubio-Ramirez et al. (2010). Figure 9provides a visualization of the restricted

impulse responses.

R> sr <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, -1, 1, NA, -1, -1, 1), ncol = 3)

R> opt_signs <- bv_irf(horizon = 16, fevd = TRUE,

+ identification = TRUE, sign_restr = sr)

R> print(opt_signs)

Object with settings for computing impulse responses.

Horizon: 16

Identification: Sign restrictions

Chosen restrictions:

Shock to

Var1 Var2 Var3

Response of Var1 + - -

Var2 + + -

Var3 + NA +


R> irf(run_app) <- irf(run_app, opt_signs)

26 BVAR: Hierarchical Bayesian VARs in R

R> plot(irf(run_app), vars_impulse = c(1, 3))








Figure 9: Set of impulse responses from a prototypical monetary VAR model using sign

restrictions to achieve identification. Grey lines refer to the 68% credible set.

As can be discerned, the shocks identified via sign restrictions allow for contemporaneous

relations between all variables – in contrast to ones obtained via recursive identification.

The instantaneous impacts are in accordance with the imposed restrictions. Note that the

credible sets surrounding the median impulse response are somewhat inflated. This stems

from additional uncertainty that is introduced by drawing random orthogonal matrices in the


E. Conditional forecasts

Conditional forecasts are a useful tool for scenario analysis, where the future path of one or

multiple variable(s) is known, or assumed to be known. Here we demonstrate how to conduct

such a scenario analysis using BVAR by means of a concise example.

Conditional forecasts rely on fixing the future paths of a number of variables, in order to gain

insights into the development of the remaining unconstrained variables (Waggoner and Zha

1999). This allows researchers to compare different realizations of policy-relevant quantities

and analyze impacts. In BVAR, we configure conditional forecasts with bv_fcast(), which

can be accessed directly or over the ellipsis argument of predict(). The assumed future

paths are provided to the cond_path argument as numeric vector or matrix; the names or

positions of constrained variables to cond_vars. For our example, we constrain the federal

funds rate to a sharp rise and subsequent drop. The forecasts are then calculated as usual,

Nikolas Kuschnig, Lukas Vashold 27

using the predict() method. We use the plot() method to visualize the conditional forecast.

Figure 10 shows the constrained federal funds rate together with unconstrained GDP growth

and inflation dynamics.

R> path <- c(2.25, 3, 4, 5.5, 6.75, 4.25, 2.75, 2, 2, 2)

R> predict(run_app) <- predict(run_app, horizon = 16,

+ cond_path = path, cond_var = "FEDFUNDS")

R> plot(predict(run_app), t_back = 16)

−15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15

−2 2 4 6

−15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15

0.5 2.0 3.5

−15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15

0 2 4 6

Figure 10: Conditional forecasts for GDP growth, inflation and the federal funds rate. Grey

lines refer to the 68% credible set.

28 BVAR: Hierarchical Bayesian VARs in R


Nikolas Kuschnig

Vienna University of Economics and Business

Institute for Ecological Economics

Global Resource Use

Welthandelsplatz 1

1020 Vienna, Austria

E-mail: nikolas.kuschnig@wu.ac.at

URL: https://kuschnig.eu/

ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.

We analyse the impact of standard and non-standard monetary policy on bank profitability. We use both proprietary and commercial data on individual euro area bank balance-sheets and market prices. Our results show that a monetary policy easing-a decrease in short-term interest rates and/or a flattening of the yield curve-is not associated with lower bank profits once we control for the endogeneity of the policy measures to expected macroeconomic and financial conditions. Accommodative monetary conditions asymmetrically affect the main components of bank profitability, with a positive impact on loan loss provisions and non-interest income offsetting the negative one on net interest income. A protracted period of low monetary rates has a negative effect on profits that, however, only materialises after a long time period and is counterbalanced by improved macroeconomic conditions. Monetary policy easing surprises during the low interest rate period improve bank stock prices and CDS. This is an author original version (AOV). The version of record [Monetary Policy and Bank Profitability in a Low Interest Rate Environment', Carlo Altavilla, Miguel Boucinha and José-Luis Peydró, Economic Policy, October 2018, 33(96): 531-586] is available online at https://academic.oup.com/economicpolicy/article/33/96/531/5124289; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/epolic/eiy013

Time-varying parameter (TVP) models have the potential to be over-parameterized, particularly when the number of variables in the model is large. Global-local priors are increasingly used to induce shrinkage in such models. But the estimates produced by these priors can still have appreciable uncertainty. Sparsification has the potential to reduce this uncertainty and improve forecasts. In this paper, we develop computationally simple methods which both shrink and sparsify TVP models. In a simulated data exercise we show the benefits of our shrink-then-sparsify approach in a variety of sparse and dense TVP regressions. In a macroeconomic forecasting exercise, we find our approach to substantially improve forecast performance relative to shrinkage alone.

  • Paul-Christian Bürkner Paul-Christian Bürkner

The brms package allows R users to easily specify a wide range of Bayesian single-level and multilevel models which are fit with the probabilistic programming language Stan behind the scenes. Several response distributions are supported, of which all parameters (e.g., location, scale, and shape) can be predicted. Non-linear relationships may be specified using non-linear predictor terms or semi-parametric approaches such as splines or Gaussian processes. Multivariate models can be fit as well. To make all of these modeling options possible in a multilevel framework, brms provides an intuitive and powerful formula syntax, which extends the well known formula syntax of lme4. The purpose of the present paper is to introduce this syntax in detail and to demonstrate its usefulness with four examples, each showing relevant aspects of the syntax.

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  • Matthieu Darracq Paries
  • Giulio Nicoletti

We derive a measure of loan supply shocks from proprietary bank-level information on credit standards from the euro area Bank Lending Survey (BLS) controlling for both macroeconomic and bank-specific demand factors. Using this indicator as an external instrument in a Bayesian vector autoregressive (BVAR) model, we find that a tightening of credit standards – i.e. banks' internal guidelines or loan approval criteria – leads to a protracted contraction in credit volumes intermediated by banks and higher lending margins. This fosters firms' incentives to substitute bank loans with market finance, ultimately producing a significant increase in debt securities issuance and higher corporate bond spreads. We also show that widely-used measures of financial uncertainty do not influence or drive our results.

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We propose a new method for estimation in linear models. The 'lasso' minimizes the residual sum of squares subject to the sum of the absolute value of the coefficients being less than a constant. Because of the nature of this constraint it tends to produce some coefficients that are exactly 0 and hence gives interpretable models. Our simulation studies suggest that the lasso enjoys some of the favourable properties of both subset selection and ridge regression. It produces interpretable models like subset selection and exhibits the stability of ridge regression. There is also an interesting relationship with recent work in adaptive function estimation by Donoho and Johnstone. The lasso idea is quite general and can be applied in a variety of statistical models: extensions to generalized regression models and tree‐based models are briefly described.

  • Jonas E. Arias
  • Juan F. Rubio-Ram\';irez
  • Daniel F. Waggoner Daniel F. Waggoner

In this paper, we develop algorithms to independently draw from a family of conjugate posterior distributions over the structural parameterization when sign and zero restrictions are used to identify structural vector autoregressions (SVARs). We call this family of conjugate posteriors normal-generalized-normal. Our algorithms draw from a conjugate uniform-normal-inverse-Wishart posterior over the orthogonal reduced-form parameterization and transform the draws into the structural parameterization; this transformation induces a normal-generalized-normal posterior over the structural parameterization. The uniform-normal-inverse-Wishart posterior over the orthogonal reduced-form parameterization has been prominent after the work of Uhlig (2005). We use Beaudry, Nam, and Wang's (2011) work on the relevance of optimism shocks to show the dangers of using alternative approaches to implementing sign and zero restrictions to identify SVARs like the penalty function approach. In particular, we analytically show that the penalty function approach adds restrictions to the ones described in the identification scheme.

  • Lutz Kilian
  • Helmut Lütkepohl

Cambridge Core - Econometrics and Mathematical Methods - Structural Vector Autoregressive Analysis - by Lutz Kilian

Using VAR models for the USA, we find that a contractionary monetary policy shock has a persistent negative impact on the level of commercial bank assets, but increases the assets of shadow banks and securitization activity. To explain this "waterbed" effect, we propose a standard New Keynesian model featuring both commercial and shadow banks, and we show that the model comes close to explaining the empirical results. Our findings cast doubt on the idea that monetary policy can usefully "get in all the cracks" of the financial sector in a uniform way.

Posted by: jacqueklann.blogspot.com

Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337033647_BVAR_Bayesian_Vector_Autoregressions_with_Hierarchical_Prior_Selection_in_R